i volunteered to handle hot tour club's faculty news which will (hopefully) published fortnightly starting in about 2 weeks. i just hope the representatives of each part will cooperate to make this thing work smoothly. i'm the self proclaimed editor-in-chief in this stuff. i'll be working hard on that shit starting, uhh, when i feel like it.
members of our faculty had a meeting a few hours ago, there are 60+ freshmen and that is quite surprising as normally just 40+ freshmen showed up each semester. the GIRLS, there are quite a number that are pleasant with my eyes. the BOYS on the other hand, nahh, not really interested. lol.
side story - i blew nearly RM50 this afternoon on college pad, blank paper and so forth. surprised myself when i received the bill. kinda hesitated to hand over my RM50 note to the cashier. and because of that, i'm broke yet again with not enough money for fuel of the fuel-inefficient car that i currently drive.
i might have to answer a series of questions by our beloved lecturer tomorrow, so, i'm off to bed.